Eanes Independent School District, Austin TX

Project Goal:  Create a process for the successful implementation of a pilot experience to test a variety of furniture solutions.

Description:  Eanes ISD is undertaking a year long study of how new agile and flexible classrooms impact teaching and learning.  30 classrooms are participating in this, outfitted with new furniture from two different school furniture manufacturers.  My role was to help them structure a process over a year that would enable them to obtain actionable data to go to scale, as well as provide professional development services for teachers to understand the shifts that they were about to experience and how to leverage those changes to create new conditions for learning.  I will also be helping them plan and evaluation solution that will help them evaluate the ongoing pilot.

What's Interesting?   How does new furniture become something that changes learning and not just become something that provides a more comfortable seat for students.  How might we create the conditions for doing things never done before because the rooms would just not permit it, to improving the things being done, to doing things never been done before?  How do we shift the ownership of the classroom from teachers to a shared model of teacher-student ownership?