The Art of Imagination: How to Use Visual Information to Foster Critical and Creative Thinking in Students

Session Description:

The human brain possesses remarkable abilities to process visual information.  This capability is largely facilitated by the optic nerve that serves as a pipeline to deliver visual information to the brain.  This unique combination of advanced neural pathways and capabilities enables human beings to be exceptionally capable of interpreting and making sense of visual stimuli.

In this session, we’ll explore all elements of the classroom experience, from the design of space to the lessons that teachers develop, as ways to leverage this capacity.  Learn about the biology behind visual imagery processing and about the classroom and lesson design that can promote a richer and more creative learning experience for students.  This session also explores how technology can be used to support the use of visual information in learning.  Leave the session with a broader understanding of the importance of visual media and how it can be used to create engaging learning experiences that promote critical and creative thinking.


Presentation (pdf)