Building Better Ideas

How effective are you at developing ideas?  

My second conversation at Educon focuses on ideation.  It's a topic I'm very passionate about as I believe that ideas are the raw material of innovative thought and practice.  It's also my belief that most educational institutions could become more capable of ideation.  It's a timely topic as the theme of Educon 2.9 focuses on sustaining innovation.  

The conversation will feature Adam Provost as a co-facilliator.  Adam is the Director of the Burlington Technical Center in Burlington, Vermont which features, among many programs and opportunities, a new Studio B Makerspace.   With Adam on board, the conversation promises to be really interesting as he is just filled with ideas.

We've got a rich conversation planned.  Our basic plan will be to issue a provocation or challenge around ideation, have a discussion, and then develop, and offer, strategies to address the provocation.  We'll help you assess your ability to generate ideas and help identify and remediate roadblocks.  We'll work with you on the language of ideation and the collaborative dynamics of building ideas together, as well as challenge you to think about the role that physical and digital spaces play in the ideation process.  We'll finish by engaging you in a series of activities that you can use to help your students, your colleagues or your organization become better at ideation.

We'll be in Room 208 on Saturday, Session 3.  We hope to see you there.