My design landscape for this presentation, including links, diagrams and presentation pathway.  View it here.

Blog posts from David


For your consideration:

What do you want learning to look like?  Realizing that form follows function, do you have the habitats to support the habits you desire to develop in your students?  (Ryan Bretag)

What skills would you identify as important?  What habits of the mind?  And the experiences that you provide that help students build skills and habits?  All of this occurs in some space, how does your current space support (or impede) this?

What constitutes a successful space?  When designing learning experiences, how often do you consider the role that space plays in a successful learning experience?

Where does learning occur in your building?  In all spaces or just classrooms?  How can all spaces support learning in some way?  Can you take traditional non-learning spaces and convert them to non-traditional learning spaces?  For example, what do you do with walls in your classrooms and schools?  Where are your learning surfaces?

How do emerging digital learning environments inform K-12 teaching and learning?  How do these environments inform the decisions we make (or don't make) about the spaces for learning in our schools?

Is school now a contributory node in the assemblage of spaces students now utilize for learning?

How do mobile technologies challenge your vision of school as learning venue?

Do you believe that digital spaces are as important as your physical spaces for learning?

How can work in the digital domain contribute to learning in the physical domain?

How does your knowledge and work in brick and mortar classrooms inform practice in a cloud-based digital platform?

Do you know what your kids know about technology and don't know?  How do you know, and what are you missing?

Do the entry level skills of your students match the prerequisite competencies required to successfully manage and negotiate learning in the digital domain?

Do you believe that the spaces in a school should be owned by students?  Or should adults dictate the purpose of space?

Students need their own spaces.  Especially digital ones.  How will you support the growth and development of skills and habits in a digital space that they own, but you provide?

Resources:  Learning Spaces

Educating the Net Generation | see Chapter 12 on Learning Spaces

Learning Spaces | See all 43 Chapters | Educause

The Third Teacher | Cannon Design, VS, Bruce Mau Design

10 Reasons to Re-Design Your School Space | Danish Kurani

Active Learning | Steelcase

The Architecture of Ideal Learning Environments | Emelina Minero

Designing the Classroom to match 21st Century Teaching | Australian Research Council

The Learning Spaces Toolkit

Designing Spaces for Effective Learning: A Guide to 21st Century Space Design | JISC

Leading the Transition from Classroom to Learning Space | NLII White Paper

The Great Learning Street Debate | Nair

Spaces, Places and Future Learning | A collection of papers and presentations from FutureLab

Opening Up Learning: From Spaces to Environments | Educause

The Impact of Physical Design on Student Outcomes | The Ministry of New Zealand

Learning Spaces:  More Than Meets the Eye | Brown and Lippincott

Learning Environments:  Where Space Technology and Culture Converge | Wargar and Dobbin

Learning Spaces-Images on Flickr