Mashup and Remix Media Collection


The enormous capacity of the Web provides access to a variety of interesting and compelling media that portray experience, knowledge and the social interaction of people. The Web, along with the technology tools that we have, provide the capacity for creating and sharing media instantly and in a variety of ways. In this workshop, we’ll explore the importance of media as a communicative tool, and then do a deep dive into the tools that can be used for capturing, creating, remixing, and sharing media creations. We’ll apply this to teaching and learning and what it means for helping students become visually literate and competent and creative producers of media that matters. Leave the session with a global yet practical understanding of what is available to create and share media, how this applies to teaching and learning, and how you can get started tomorrow.

OBO Project Sequence

OBO Resources

Getting Started:   Remix/Mashup around Story

Recite | using either your original 6 word story, or your final statement from Storybuilder, create a Recite image.

5 Card Flickr Story |  Alan Levine

Images | Download a set of images to work with from Gratisography

Working With Images

Canva | comprehensive online media creation tool

Adobe Spark | create a Spark Post, Spark Page, or Spark Video.  Requires Adobe account.

AddText | does just what it says.  Easy to use.

Noteography | visual notemaking

Picfont | add text to images, more control than AddText

Typorama | iPad/iPhone, Typography Generator & Graphic Design

Snapseed | photo editor, iOS and Android

Pablo | Buffer




Working With Sound:


Working With Video:

My Simple Show |  make simple explainer videos that employ hand movements and graphics.


  • Capture |  iPhone and iPad app, capture and edit video and share via YouTube.
  • YouTube Video Editor | create videos in a browser, combine videos, still-frame imagery, music and effects.

Showbox | browser-based production studio

Videorama | iPad and iPhone app for creating video.

WeVideo | create video in your browser, iOS or Android.  Free account available (limited) and school pricing available.

Coverr | free videos to use in mashups/remix


Working with Visual Collaboration

Realtimeboard | collaboration platform that enables students to create, share and work digitally.  Enables users to mix media to create interactive collaboration boards.


Working with Graphic Design

Lucidchart | online diagram application, connects with Google Drive.

Lucidpress | online application for creating a variety of documents, connects with Google Drive.


Working with Assessment and Media

  • Seesaw | digital portfolio tool for documenting understanding; students combine photos, videos, drawings, notes, links and pdf's to document learning.
  • | platform for students to document videos, works with Google Drive.lets 
  • Lets Recap | tool for students to create documents to explain their understanding.  Uses a Web app or an iPhone app.


Stock image and video sites



  • Flickr | 1,000 GB of photo storage, apps available for iOS and Android.
  • Google Photos | store photos, automatic uploads from devices, simple editing tools, and can create albums, collages, animations, and movies.


Additional Resources