
This site provides chapter-based resources that are mentioned in the text of the book. There are additional resources here that expand the content of the book and provide opportunities to learn about developing a learning experience based on a design thinking pedagogy. I hope that the resources are helpful and support your efforts to bring design thinking to your classroom. If you have questions or would like to make suggestions for this page, please contact me.

NEW! Watch for the upcoming release of The Design Thinking Classroom Method Card Deck, a tool to help educators build design thinking experiences.

Also, online learning courses and book studies will be available as well as a variety of professional development options.

General Resources

My Blog Posts on Design

My three-part series on getting started with design thinking:

AI and Design

5 Big Ideas about Design Thinking (coming soon!)

Design Thinking + Education: Stories of Design in Action - Here are six stories of schools that have embraced a design thinking approach to education. Each school has applied the design process in its own way. Look for similarities and differences between the different schools. What resonates? What are you curious about? What can you apply to your practice? How do these examples catalyze your thinking?

The Museum School - Grand Rapids, Michigan

Crosstown High School - Memphis Tennessee

The Synnovation Lab - Montgomery, Ohio

Waukee APEX - Waukee, Iowa

Lassonde Studios - Salt Lake City, Utah

Design Tech High, Redwood City, California

Chapter 1 Resources

Design Thinking Model used in the book (PDF)(JPEG) - download each of the ethnography tools mentioned in the book plus more in either pdf or jpeg format. Also available: are slide decks (PPT, Keynote, Google Slides) that you can use to modify the tools for your particular need.

The Design Thinking Model Explained- access the model that includes a video where I provide my insights about the process and how it supports solution-finding.

Design Thinking as Pedagogy (coming soon!)- an overview of the opportunity to rethink instruction and experience by using design thinking as a foundation to a human-centered pedagogy,

Chapter 2 Resources

The Three Provocation Design Challenge - a design challenge to help you identify and understand your current reality and beliefs about education.

Exploring Improvement and Innovation - innovating, improving, and inventing are all linked together. Here is my thinking on how they intersect and what it means for the classroom teacher.

Chapter 3 Resources

Evaluating Your Practice with Design Thinking - an educator-designer uses design to support advancing their practice. This page provides an overview of the design-based techniques that can be applied to reshaping and improving classroom practice.

Chapter 5 Resources

Student Skills and Dispositions: use this list of skills (what you can do as a learner) and dispositions (how you act as a learner) to help you intentionally create learning experiences that promote the development of both.

List of Found Materials for Prototyping Experiences - my list of useful supplies, other resources, and tips for classroom prototyping.

Prototyping - Improving a Known object (Here is a list of things to improve, rotary phone, phone booth, produce counter, cereal boxes,

Chapter 6 Resources

Exploring Hexagonal Thinking as an Experience Design Strategy - an exploration of a unique process that can be used to support the creation of design-based learning experiences.

Creating Design Challenges (link) - use this online tool to generate interesting and eclectic design challenges for students.

Ethnography tools and downloads - download and use the ethnography tools described in the book. Available in pdf and jpeg format. These are published with a Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial License which means that you can freely use these as long as the use is not for a commercial purpose.

Conducting virtual design engagements (coming soon!)- being able to conduct ethnography and other events virtually is now a standard technique for engaging stakeholders. Here are my tips for conducting virtual engagements.

Uploading ethnography tools to Google Jamboard - to facilitate virtual engagements. I also explain a methodology for using ethnography tools described in the book in a virtual environment.

Chapter 7 Resources

Strategies for creating classroom design studios (coming soon!) - here is my checklist of the elements that together constitute an effective design-thinking classroom studio.

Remake Learning Videos - interested in hacking your classroom space? These three videos from Edutopia and The Third Teacher+ document a cost-effective design process to remake a dated classroom into a more effective learning space.

Make Space Book and instructions - (coming soon!)

Technology Recommendations for Design Work (coming soon!)

List of Technology Tools (coming soon!) - downloadable grid that lists hardware, software, and apps useful in the design process.

Harvard Project Zero Thinking Routines (link)

Habits of the Mind - Arthur Costa (link)